Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Confrontation with UConn's Jim Calhoun becomes campaign ad

If Connecticut coach Jim Calhoun got to vote in the congressional race in the state's 1st district, it's probably safe to assume Green party candidate Ken Krayeske wouldn't have his support.

Krayeske famously generated national headlines in February 2009 when he asked Calhoun at a postgame news conference whether the coach felt compelled to give back a portion of his salary as a result of the economic recession. Then this week Krayeske released an Internet campaign ad entitled "Speak Truth to Power" that features clips of the ensuing confrontation with his old nemesis.

"Millionaires like Jim Calhoun are one percent of America's population, but control 42 percent of America's wealth," Krayeske says. "Millionaires like Jim Calhoun donate to Democratic congressional leaders like (Democratic incumbent) John Larson, whose policies have helped create the largest gap between rich and poor in a century."  

It's pretty clear that this ad is a well-timed publicity stunt from Krayeske, yet you have to give him credit because it's working. Already the video has been picked up by ESPN, The Associated Press and the Hartford Courant.

The most cringe-worthy clip from the initial heated exchange between Calhoun and Krayeske is when the Connecticut coach tells the political activist, "My best advice to you ... Shut up." If this ad campaign is any indication, it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon.

Source: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/blog/the_dagger/post/Confrontation-with-UConn-s-Jim-Calhoun-becomes-c?urn=ncaab-276663

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