Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube in 10 seconds, naming all 50 state capitals in under two minutes or beating Super Mario Brothers 3 in less time than it takes to make a sandwich, we all have a geeky, completely useless talent.
Unfortunately, most of ours aren't nearly as cool to watch as the woman in the video below.
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Shooting on one of those classic arcade Pop-A-Shot machines with notoriously unfriendly rims, this woman effortlessly sinks a ridiculous 114 shots in a row in a mere 60 seconds (86 in the first 45 seconds when baskets count as two points apiece, 28 in the final 15 seconds when they're three points each). She is to Pop-A-Shot what Manny Pacquiao is to boxing, Roger Federer is to tennis and Peyton Manning is to quarterbacking. She's gained athletic immortality for her performance.
[Video rewind: High school player sinks 90-foot shot]
The scariest thing about this clip is that this woman amazingly enough is not the world record holder for consecutive Pop-A-Shot baskets made in a minute. According to Guinness, that record belongs to a man named Jay Kletecka, who made 139 in a row a few years ago.
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